Press / Brand resources
Destination Logos:
Here is our destination logos. They are free to use for promotional purposes to our destinations. Click here to download .zip. or right-click on image, then save image as….
If you have any questions please send me a message. Best regards / Peter
Kiruna City Rooms
Kiruna City Chalets
Svapaavaara Rooms Longstay
Kiruna City Rooms Longstay
Västerås Rocklunda Stugby
Here is some images for press and features. They are free to use in features, press releases, news articles and promotions. Click on the image to download .jpg.
Press images:
If you have any questions please send me a message. Best regards / Peter
Peter Thorneus (Founder/CEO)
Kiruna City Rooms (rumsbild)
Rocklunda Stugby (Drönarbild)
Rocklunda Stugby (Exteriör)
Kiruna City Chalets (exteriör)